Hallett Fun Day

Ride Your Sportbike On the Hallett Racetrack!

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Chris Leach What: Open Track Day
Where: Hallett Motor Racing Circuit
Who: Racers and Street riders

Due to the increasing numbers of riders and new racers in the area and a lack of safe riding environs, Hallett Motor Racing Circuit is sponsoring an open track day for street riders and racers. This day gives racers another chance to come and practice on a regular-season CMRA and WERA track, street riders are able to practice their skills in the safe, controlled environment of a race track.

The March dates are: March 9th and March 23rd. The April dates are: April 21st and April 28th. For the full schedule and registration information please go to Hallett Motor Racing Circuit.

Preregister before the Thursday before the event and the cost is only $100. After the Thursday before the event and the cost is $120. Sign up early to reserve your spot. Registration sheet.

The days are going to be limited to 50 riders so register early to reserve your spot

Rider's meeting at 08:30 with a parade lap or two after that. Starting at 09:00 we will be running 30 minute sessions divided between the street group and the race group starting with the street group. Lunch will be served sometime around noon and then starting at 01:00 we will continue with the sessions as in the morning.

We're concentrating on SAFETY. We will end the day with no poly carbonate shards, blood or insurance claims if we are careful, stay alert and follow a few simple rules.


Street Group Race Group
No passing on the inside
Enter the track at the designated entrance only
Exit the track with left hand held Very High
Keep five feet of air around you at all times
Helmet, Gloves, Leathers (or Aerostitch type suit) required
Bike must have fresh tires
Taillight, turn signals and headlight taped off
Mirrors removed
Absolutely No Leaks.
Enter the track at the designated entrance only
Exit the track with left hand held Very High
Make clean safe passes
Two wheel street or purpose built motorcycles only
Deliberate and continual unsafe squidly acts or failure to comply with the rules will result in your removal from the grounds without a refund